About me
Hide all German-only information.
- Nickname:
- Name:
- Michael Schierl
- Address:
- Ignaz-Baldauf-Str. 5
D-86551 Aichach
- E-Mail:
- schierlm@gmx.de (PGP preferred)
- Date of Birth:
- July 9, 1981
- Jabber:
- schierlm@jabber.ccc.de (PGP preferred)
- ICQ:
- 31020687
- AIM:
- i31020687
- YIM:
- mschierlm
- MSN:
- schierlm-public@gmx.de
- Mastodon:
- @mihi@infosec.exchange
- Keybase:
- mihi
- Keyoxide:
- aspe:keyoxide.org:NJ6HT4CKBT6FQEOAH5QQN562XA
- PGP (E-Mail):
- Key ID: 0x58B48CDD
Size: 2048 (RSA)
Fingerprint: 68 CE B8 07 E3 15 D1 4B 74 61 55 39 C9 0F 7C C8
- GnuPG:
- (Note: The PGP key above should work as well with recent
GnuPG versions)
Key ID: 0x2874B263E
Size: 1024/2048 (DSS/ElGamal)
Fingerprint: 0D98 4174 92F4 15D3 31E3 5F9C 3210 C6E2 874B 263E-
- PGP (Jabber):
- Key ID: 0xF61E0C93
Size: 1024/1024 (DSS/ElGamal)
Fingerprint: 656A 7BA0 4EF9 C156 4736 D4BF 7F2D B66B F61E 0C93-
Other profiles about me
Lebenslauf in Hyperlinks [German only]
- 1988-1992
- Grundschule Aichach
- 1992-2001
- Deutschheren-Gymnasium-Aichach
- 1996-2000
- Bundeswettbewerb Informatik
- 2001-2001
- Abitur 2001
- 2001-2006
- Universität Augsburg
- 2003-2006
- studentenforum der Universität Augsburg (2004 Praktikum)
- 2006-2008
- Cost Xpert AG
- 2008-
- Onesto GmbH
Security related articles