This tool is a file sharing software (like Gnutella or Napster), but it
does not need a special server (like Napster) and does not have any problems
with searching (like Gnutella). The source of its efficiency is the Internat
Relay Chat network, also known as IRC. The original purpose of this network,
which connects servers all around the world, is chatting. But what is the
difference between a message sent over IRC and a request to look for a
file? You are right, nothing. So this tool tries to connect to the IRC
network and sends its search request over a special channel there. Because
I do not want to flood these servers too much, the search results are sent
over a direct connection to the asker (the results are
much more
than the request). The files (which contain even more data than the
search results), are also sent directly, of course.
Do you want to try this method of file sharing?
Download IRCster 0.63.0 BETA here (62 KB)
If you do not have it yet
Download Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Runtime (German)
(2.05 MB).
This file is needed for IRCster to run correctly.
For other languages visit
Here you can subscribe to the German
or the English
IRCster Newsletter. It will inform you about upgrades of IRCster.
If you want to receive the newsletter at another address than that
from which it was subscribed, please write this address into the message
body. Thank you.
The author of this tool does not take ANY responsibility for the data
exchanged with it. To avoid virus infections, ensure that you use an up-to-date
antivirus application.
NOTE: This tool is a BETA version. I do not take any responsibility
for computer or network crashes or data loss.
(c) 2001 by Michael & Andreas Schierl, Ignaz-Baldauf-Str.
5, D-86551 Aichach, Germany;